Saturday 17 January 2009

minda dan kecelaruannye.

entry saye dibawah saye dapati terlalu bercalaru isinye. saye tak tau mane satu yang nak ceritekan pade asalnye. timbul satu idea pade asalnye, dan bertambah ketike idea pertame belum habis. segalenye yang berterabur menunjukkan betape celarunye fikiran saye. apebile saye membuat pemerhatian sendiri, make sedar lah diri saye sekali lagi. bahawe saye ni tak konsisten orangnye.

natijahnye, tujuan same, tapi atas dasar pengaruh luar, idea untuk merealisasikan tujuan tu sentiase berubah. memang jarang saye menepati ape yang dirancang pade awalnye. dats why laa saye ni suke planning tak abes. saye bertindakbalas terhadap keadaan sekeliling dan tindakbalas itu la penentu kejayaan saye. kalau gagal reaction nye, make gagal lah saye.

life is unpredictable. b'coz of dat, i think better we just do it and see what happen. not just wait and see. b'coz of waiting will make us dreamy, so something will miss and we'll lost our contact to something that we could get. and less chances we got, less and less power we should have to survive. i mean, chance is the power of life. who think he can stay if nobody give him a chance to stay? maybe power are rough enough to say, so i say its the element of life. correct my grammar. ntah betul ke tak tu.bedal je ni. saje nak praktik.

1 komen:

Anonymous said...

life is unpredictable. b'coz of dat, i think it's better if we just do it and see what will happen. don't just wait and see. b'coz, waiting will make us dreamy, so something will be missed and we'll lost our reach with something that we could get. and the lesser the chances we got, the less and lesser power we could have to survive. i mean, chance is the power of life. who thinks he can stay if nobody give him a chance to stay? maybe power is rough enough to say, so i should say its the element of life